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Modern Art Notes describes Elizabeth C. Gorski as a puzzle writer "known for her entertaining, creative 'holy cow!' grids."
She is hailed as one of the country's leading creators of the American-style crossword puzzle. Her syndicated King Features crosswords appear daily in newspapers throughout North America.


Ms. Gorski is best-known for her innovative and visually-rich crosswords, including works that celebrate One World Trade Center, The Empire State Building, The Louvre and The Guggenheim Museum.

At The New York Times, she is the most-published woman crossword constructor during Will Shortz's editorship. Over a 21-year run, her work appeared in the NYT's Sunday and daily editions. The newspaper selected her to co-create a celebrity puzzle with Martha Stewart.

An innovator of new puzzle forms, Ms. Gorski invented the popular "Connect-The-Dots" crossword that debuted in The New York Times (December 2003).

In 2015, she succeeded Henry Hook as a syndicated contributor for King Features. 


At The New Yorker magazine, she is a member of the in-house team of crossword writers.


She is founder and editor-in-chief of Crossword Nation, an "indie" crossword provider. Her custom work is commissioned by the film industry, libraries, museums and private clients.

Ms. Gorski is a graduate of Barnard College, Columbia University. She lives in New York City and is passionate about clay court tennis, calligraphy, flamenco dance,  the viola and the blues guitar.

Awards and Street Cred


  • Cited as an "Influential Crossword Master" by the International Business Times (IBT, September 2023)

  • Six-time winner of Simon & Schuster's Margaret Award

  • Constructor of the Year (Jim Horne, 2013

  • Sunday Crossword Grand Slam of 2006*

  • Ms. Gorski's New York Times Sunday puzzle, "High Definition," was selected as one of "Five Unforgettable Puzzles" in Patrick Creadon's documentary Wordplay

Image by Judith Browne
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